outfit of the day, 11.17.14

IMG_5953IMG_5986IMG_5966IMG_5989IMG_5991IMG_5947work outfit: patterned flowy cardigan, Target (gift from my Anna Boog). Black sweater pencil skirt, my moms in the 80’s (not just a line from Mean Girls but actually true). Gray tank top, Target. Black lace scarf, Rue 21. Black tights, Target. Brown ankle boots, Old Navy.

I love getting compliments on my outfits from random people! It’s always lovely to get a compliment from a family member or friend, but a compliment from a complete stranger is a real day brightener! On my way home from work today, I stopped to get gas. While I was waiting in line to pay, a very nice gentlemen behind me said, “You must be going somewhere fancy?” I said, “Oh, no just got off work.” He said, “Well, you must work somewhere fancy because you look really nice.” Sweet things like that just make my day and it made me do a blog post on this outfit that I wasn’t planning on doing today.

My best friend Anna bought this patterned cardigan about this time last year. When she wore it to work, I fell in love with it. By the second time she wore it, she gave it to me claiming it was too long on her. I think she just gave it to me because she knew how much I loved it and she’s just sweet like that, but regardless it was my go-to pick with this skirt this morning. So, thanks Boog ❤ Like I mentioned, this lovely pencil sweater skirt, was given to me by my wonderful mama. She bought it at Macy’s in the 80’s for a Christmas party. I bet she didn’t know then that her daughter would want it and rock it in 2014! But hey, fashion trends repeat themselves.

This outfit gave me a nice boost of confidence today, and if you try this outfit or it inspires you to try something similar, I hope it gives you a boost as well!



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